“A picture is worth a thousand words.” The origin of the quote may be murky, but the sentiment has been echoed by American ad-men, Russian novelists, even Napoleon Bonaparte.
For troubleshooting equipment in the field, it’s Gold. A photo exceeds language and terminology. It tells a story beyond the text or email, and provides clues and answers to questions we haven’t even asked yet.

Camera phones and Skype give us the ability to talk to YOU and answer your questions anywhere in the world; whether it’s the Brazilian rainforest, a machine shop in France, or a sales office in California.
Believe me: we’re enjoying the technology! Whether you’re in Australia, the UK, or elsewhere – Skype us at dcd.account , just to say hello and put a face to the name on the email or the voice on the phone.
Or send a photo of your job site / showroom / local scenery to us at web@dcddesign.com!
Tell us about what you’re doing and where you live, and we’ll feature it on the DCD Design website with your caption and contact info so people can talk to you too.
Here’s my contribution: Emily Carr painted the BC landscape at the turn of the last century. ‘Scorned as timber, Beloved of the sky’ is one of my favourite paintings by her.